From Beginning to Beginning

Kim Sindberg: From Beginning To Beginning – Trade Finance Articles from 2003 to 2011(2012)

The book takes the reader through 9 years of Trade Finance in 57 articles and 302 pages.

Between 2003 and 2011 Kim Christensen published a number of trade finance related articles in various magazines and websites. July 2011 Kim Christensen changed name to Kim Sindberg. Consequently this book presents the majority of feature articles written by Kim Christensen.

For each article a fresh comment has been written for the purpose of providing background, context and additional information.

The articles are listed in the order they have been published. This provides a historical line through the trade finance scene for a period of almost 9 years. During this period of time significant “trade finance events” have taken place. For example:

> The electronic development has really “hit” trade finance.

> The UCP 500 was revised and the UCP 600 implemented.

> There was a financial crisis.

> The whole issue of compliance and sanctions exploded.

> Force majeure events shocked the world in different ways; like the eruption of the Icelandic Volcano Eyjafjallajökull and the Tsunami from the Japan earthquake.

These topics and many others are dealt with in these articles – all of them from a trade finance / letter of credit (LC) perspective – and all of them written – or co-written – by a person totally dedicated to the world of trade finance with the feet solid planted in the “practical soil.”

A number of the articles are co-written with other trade finance experts – i.e.:

Daniel Devahive (LC expert – Switzerland)

Ali Polat (LC expert and consultant – Turkey)

Nguyen Huu Duc (LC expert – Vietnam – also known as “Old Man”)

Ofei (Chinese name Wangxuehui) (Lecturer – China)

The Foreword is written by by Shahriar Masum (Head of Import (BTB) and Corporate Trade Support of Mutual Trust Bank, Bangladesh). The foreword includes the following statement:

To a casual reader, this book will be very impressive as it is a collection of some great articles and each article reveals a different story. So you can just go on reading article by article without taking the stress to link it with any previous chapters and still getting a very deep insight on the subject matter. A researcher on international trade will be amazed by the book’s depth of detail and complexity that Kim addresses on the individual topic.

The articles included in the book have previously been published in the following magazines and websites:

DCInsight (france)

DC-Pro (Ireland)

Documentary Credit World (USA)

LC Monitor (Canada)

eBSI Tradebrief (Ireland)

Global Trade Review (UK)

LCM Trade Services Update (Canada) (US / Denmark)

Trade & Forfaiting Review (UK)

The book displays the production of trade finance articles written by Kim Christensen – from Beginning to Beginning.

Future articles will be published in the name of Kim Sindberg.

302 pages

ISBN: 978-87-7114-551-9