Kim Sindberg: The Cheaters Handbook to Documentary Credits (2014)
The Cheaters Handbook to Documentary Credits (på engelsk) er den ultimative rembursbog for den der ønsker at gennemføre en remburs transaktion uden at skulle dykke ned i regler og lignende.
Bogen indeholder en kort gennemgang af hvad en remburs er – og giver derefter konkrete råd til eksportører, importører og transport firmaer; og gennemgår hver fase i rembursforløbet for hver af disse 3 hovedaktører.
Bogen indeholder 87 konkrete og praktiske råd.
Bogen er også værdifuld for banker der rådgiver deres kunder i brugen af remburser.
124 sider
ISBN: 978-87-7145-755-1
Kim Sindberg: The Cheaters Handbook to Documentary Credits (2014)
Table of Contents:
1 Introduction
2 Documentary credit crash course
2.1 Documentary credit definition
2.2 Documentary credit functions
2.3 The independence principle
2.4 The parties to the documentary credit transaction
2.5 Standard for examination of documents
2.6 The Documentary credit lines
2.6.1 Graphic overview of the documentary credit lines
2.6.2 Line 1 – The agreement between importer and exporter
2.6.3 Line 2 – The parties
2.6.4 Line 3 – Issuing the documentary credit
2.6.5 Line 4 – Presenting the documents and paying
3 Exporter perspective
3.1 Accept the premise
3.2 Identify the risk
3.3 Dictate/stipulate the requirements to the documentary credit
3.3.1 The time of payment
3.3.2 Date and place of expiry of the documentary credit
3.3.3 Latest date for shipment and presentation of documents
3.3.4 Beneficiary – name and address
3.3.5 Applicant – name and address
3.3.6 Type of documentary credit
3.3.7 Currency, amount and quantity
3.3.8 Shipment details
3.3.9 Goods description
3.3.10 Required documents
3.3.11 Other requirements
3.4 Check the documentary credit
3.5 Make correct documents
3.6 Present to the correct bank
3.7 Trouble shooting
3.7.1 Evaluate the discrepancy/refusal message
3.7.2 Correct the document(s)
3.7.3 Obtain issuing banks pre-approval
3.7.4 Documents are forwarded for approval
3.7.5 Payment is obtained “under reserve”
4 Importer perspective
4.1 Accept the premise
4.2 Dictate/stipulate the requirements to the documentary credit
4.2.1 The time of payment
4.2.2 Date and place of expiry of the documentary credit
4.2.3 Latest date for shipment and presentation of documents
4.2.4 Beneficiary – name and address
4.2.5 Applicant – name and address
4.2.6 Type of documentary credit
4.2.7 Currency, amount and quantity
4.2.8 Shipment details
4.2.9 Goods description
4.2.10 Required documents
4.2.11 Other requirement
4.3 Check the documentary credit
4.4 Check the documents received
4.4.1 The documents comply
4.4.2 The documents do not comply
5 Transport company perspective
5.1 Accept the premise
5.2 Be ahead
5.3 Issue correct transport documents
Appendix 1: documentary credit sample with documents
Documentary Credit:
Packing list
Certificate of Origin
Weight List
Certificate of Quantity
Certificate of Quality
Bill of lading
Insurance Certificate
Draft/Bill of Exchange
Appendix 2: Documentary credit cheat advice – exporter perspective
Appendix 3: Documentary credit cheat advice – importer perspective
Appendix 4: Documentary credit cheat advice – transport company perspective
Appendix 5: SWIFT Transportation fields